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25 May 2014 Artist, Track, Album, Label, Date. Politicians, The World we Live in, Apr 04. Bobby Womack, Across 110th Street, Apr 04. Jackson 5, Enjoy Bobby Womack was a veteran R&B and gospel artist by the time he began scoring solo hits in the late '60s. The former Sam Cooke protégé's gifts  Check out Greatest Hits by Bobby Womack on Amazon Music. Stream Greatest Hits. Bobby Buy MP3 Album $8.99 by Shirley Brown And Bobby Womack. Robert Dwayne Womack was an American singer, songwriter, musician, and record producer. The latter song was written for Womack by Jim Ford in a country version, which Womack re-arranged in an R&B version. The first Song "Please Forgive My Heart" was offered as a free download on XL Recordings' official  3 days ago It seems like nearly every song, in some way, is about love—but that But three years later, Bobby Womack took a shot at the staple and 

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